Wednesday 10 October 2012

Hello and Welcome!

Well, here we all are with a shiny bright new blog!

Just a quick intro, I'm Gail - Hello!- and I have a teeny tiny little business called Cheap Beauty Treats. I started it up for a number of reasons, but generally, because I noticed how often I looked for a little boost by treating myself to a new lippy, nail polish or skin cream. Whether it's make-up, skincare, haircare or nails, nothing really beats the feeling of indulging your passion by treating yourself to a fabulous new product, does it?

These days though, money's tight for most of us. But we need cheering up more than ever! That's where the idea of Cheap Beauty Treats comes in. A place where you can treat yourself to something sparkly and give yourself a boost without feeling guilty about splashing the cash!

So where does the blog come in? Well the idea is that this can be a place where we can keep you all up to date with the latest news from Cheap Treats Towers. New products, special offers, bestsellers... we'll tell you all about it here! Plus we'll, hopefully bring you some more information and reviews about our products to make sure that when you do treat yourself, your guaranteed to pick something that'll put a smile on your face.

We'd love to hear from you. What do you think about the blog? Is there anything you'd like us to cover or us it for? What are your favourite treats? And what products would you love to see us stock? Get in touch!

And in the meantime, why not have a quick browse of the products in our ebay store.

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